Telios Care
Telios Care brings to Romania more than 25 years of experience in telehealth services in the USA. The company offers employees and insured persons non-stop access to specialized medical and wellness advice for a wide range of specialties.
Telios Care saw last year a 10-fold increase in the number of users of telemedicine services, ending the year with 75,000 beneficiaries working in areas such as retail, IT, financial services, manufacturing, transportation and agriculture.
The company estimates for 2021 a doubling of the number of users by including Telios services in insurance products and medical subscriptions (though its partner SanoPass), as well as by direct sales to companies.
Latest references
- Telios Care and Cluj Business Campus to launch the first hybrid clinic in Romania, in Cluj-Napoca (25 May 2022)
- Cluj-based PrimaInvest Capital Management involved in €1,6 mln investment for local tech startups (23 May 2022)
- Cluj ecosystem steps up to finance a local startup, with Fortech, a Cluj-based software company, being the lead investor in Telios Care new round of €700,000 (5 July 2021)
- Cluj-based Telios’ CEO recognized as one of the Top 20 Innovators in Telemedicine in 2020 (14 October 2020)
- Telios, one of the pioneers of Romanian telemedicine, closes an investment round of $ 200,000 (8 May 2020)
- Romanian startups are joining forces to fight the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic (17 March 2020)
- Cluj startup ecosystem: €3 Million raised in 2019. Most promising Cluj startups & initiatives in 2020. (6 January 2020)
- Telios, the pioneer of telemedicine in Romania: from a non-existent market to call lines getting hot (9 December 2019)
Sebastian Florian
Reliable telemedecine service.