Launch Community Evenings #5 Bucharest brings together the local startups, technology and innovation scene


The fifth edition of Launch Community Evenings will take place at Club Expirat, Bucharest, on September 20. Among the guests of the event you can find representatives from Fitbit, BCR, UiPath, TypingDNA, archbee,, The Recursive and FameUp.

Launch – the startup founders’ community – brings the meeting as a satellite event of the How to Web 2022 Conference, which takes place in Bucharest on September 21-22.

The event is moderated by Mircea Serediuc (Product Manager, FameUp) and comes as an opportunity to discover innovative products and projects, but also for networking with founders, company representatives and technology enthusiasts. Founders from top startups of the Launch community will pitch their products to the public and receive feedback from the evening’s guests:

  • Daniel Rizea – Director Software Engineering, Fitbit
  • IonuČ› Stanimir – Director of Marketing & Communication, BCR
  • Lavinia Cojocaru – Co-founder, UiPath
  • Cristian TamaČ™ – Co-founder & CMO, TypingDNA
  • DragoČ™ Bulugean – Founder, archbee
  • Alex Burghelia – Co-founder,

The program also includes a talk with Cristian TamaČ™ (TypingDNA) and DragoČ™ Bulugean (archbee) about their journey in startup life, from the beginning to the present. The moment will be moderated by Elena Vrabie (Sales & Senior Content Manager, The Recursive) and is intended to help the founders of the community learn new ways to overcome their obstacles related to the development of their companies.

The meeting takes place five months after the launch of Launch Community Evenings event series, which has already gathered hundreds of founders, enthusiasts and actors of the technology and innovation industry from the local entrepreneurial ecosystems in the capital, but also in Timișoara, Cluj-Napoca and Iași.

Access to the event is free, and invitations are limited:

For over a year and a half, Launch – the community of startup founders – has been contributing to the increase of founder’s success chances, at the beginning of their journey, providing access to individual meetings with experts and representatives of companies from various industries, group activities together with other founders from the entire ecosystem in Romania. Currently, the community includes over 300 founders from over 100 startups, and registrations are always open. Launch is an initiative of How to Web, Google for Startups and InnovX-BCR.

Founder, editor in chief of Startups&TheCity.